Archicentre’s Home certification Service

MSakee lyl oyuor huorm he ostmaned ofuat sfrtoemr tahes c raonwd !

Archicentre’s Home Certification

service is a critical part of your

home marketing plan, designed to:

…includes a 12 month $30,000 Guarantee!

sell your home faster

achieve a hi gher sale price

give peace o f mind to

poten tial purchasers

Inspected Property


Inspected on:

Authorised by: Date:

on behalf of Archicentre Limited ABN 34 001 866 520 (Archicentre)

Your Details


Postal Address:

I wish to apply for the Archicentre $15,000 12 Month Structural Guarantee on the property described

above. I have received a full Archicentre Property Inspection Report on the property comprising a covering letter

and accompanying enclosures and information sheets. I have read and understood all these documents. I have

read, understood and agree with the Terms and Conditions of the Contract and the Inspection and the Conditions

of the Guarantee overleaf.

Signed: Date:



This Guarantee (“the Guarantee”) is free and available to purchasers of properties for which a full

pre-purchase Archicentre Property Inspection Report has been carried out and will only be valid if, within

a period of 30 days from the date of the Property Inspection Report, you apply for the Guarantee and

the Guarantee is then signed and authorised by the appropriate officer of Archicentre Limited

ABN 34 001 866 520 (“Archicentre”).


Archicentre hereby guarantees, subject to the conditions of the Guarantee, that the inspected parts

of the building are, and will remain for a period of 12 months from the date of the Archicentre

inspection, free of serious structural defects.

If during the period of 12 months from the date of the Archicentre inspection (“the Guarantee period”) a serious structural

defect becomes apparent, Archicentre will, subject to the conditions of the Guarantee, repair or at its election pay the cost to

repair the defect and any damage to the property arising from the defect.

Conditions of Guarantee

1. “The Terms and Conditions of the Contract and the Inspection” contained in the Property Inspection Report form part of

the conditions of the Guarantee and are to be applied to the Guarantee as if set out fully herein.

2. The Guarantee only applies to serious structural defects not noted in or to be implied from the Property Inspection Report.

The Guarantee applies to serious structural defects that become apparent during the Guarantee period, but specifically

excludes defects relating to swimming pools, concealed or underground drainage or sewerage systems.

3. The Guarantee does not apply to damage caused by termites and borers or other destructive timber pests and liability

under the Guarantee for such damage is excluded, with the exception that if you have obtained, a separate Archicentre

Timber Pest Inspection report on the property (where this service is available) and timber pests were not noted or implied

in that Report, the Guarantee shall apply to the structural damage, but not to the cost of any treatment of the termites,

borers or other destructive pests, or to pre-existing termite damage concealed at the time of the inspection. If you obtain

a Timber Pest Guarantee the cost of the initial treatment of termites, borers or other destructive timber pests will be covered

by the guarantee (up to $10,000).

4. A serious structural defect is a defect that seriously affects the stability of the structure. In the case of cracking a serious

structural defect denotes severe cracking as defined by Category 4 Appendix C of Australian Standard AS2870-1996.

5. The Guarantee does not apply to damage caused by natural disasters, drought, tree or plant damage, civil commotion or

structural interference, and liability under the Guarantee for such damage is excluded.

6. The Guarantee will only apply to the cost of rectification work for which prior written consent has been given by

Archicentre and liability under the Guarantee for any other cost or work is excluded.

7. A claim by you under the Guarantee must be notified to Archicentre within 30 days of the defect becoming apparent.

8. The Guarantee only applies to claims notified to Archicentre within the Guarantee period, and liability under the

Guarantee for all other claims is excluded.

9. The maximum liability of Archicentre:

(a) for any one claim made under the Guarantee; or

(b) in the aggregate for all claims made under the Guarantee –

shall not exceed $10,000.

10. The Guarantee will not apply to:

(a) maintenance work which becomes necessary during the Guarantee period

(b) individual defects which cost in the estimation of the Archicentre Inspector less than $500 to repair.

11. The first $500 of the cost of repairs or rectification work arising from each claim made under the Guarantee shall be borne

by you and Archicentre shall not be liable for that amount.

12. The Guarantee is available only to the person for whom the Property Inspection Report has been prepared, and

Archicentre accepts no liability to any other person.

13. The Guarantee does not apply to the repair of items normally covered under property insurance policies and is not

intended to replace, in part or whole, such insurance policy/ies.

14. The Guarantee does not apply to any items or defects for which recovery may be obtained from, or properly referable

under, any insurance policy or other source of compensation.

15. Any payment under the Guarantee is made without any admission of liability by Archicentre in relation to the standard,

quality or accuracy of the Property Inspection Report, and no such admission shall, either expressly or impliedly, arise from

or by reason of any such payment.

16. The Guarantee will not apply to defects that are caused by or develop due to a failure by you to follow advice given in the

Property Inspection Report or arise from an interference with the structure or foundation material by any cause whatsoever.

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Inspected Property


Inspected on:

Authorised by: Date:

onbehalf ofArchicentre Limited ABN34 001866 520 (Archicentre)

Yo u r Details


Postal Address:

Iwishto apply for the Archicentre $15,000 12 Month Timber PestGuarantee on the property described

above. I have received a full Archicentre Timber PestInspection Report on theproperty comprising a covering

letter and accompanying enclosures and informationsheets. I have read and understoodall these documents.

Ihave read, understood and agree with theTerms and Conditions ofthe Contract and the Inspectionand the

Conditions ofthe Guaranteeoverleaf.

Signed: Date:


$15,000 This Guarantee(“the Guarantee”) is free and available to purchasers of propertiesfor whicha full pre-purchase Archicentre

Timber Pest InspectionReporthasbeen carried out and will only be valid if, within a period of30 days from thedateof the

TimberPest Inspection Report,youapply forthe Guarantee andthe Guarantee is then signedandauthorised bythe appropriate

officer ofArchicentre LimitedABN34 001 866520 (Archicentre).


Archicentrehereby guarantees,subjecttothe conditions of theGuarantee, that the inspectedparts ofthebuildingare,andwill remain

fora periodof 12 months from thedate of the Archicentreinspection, free of termites,borersor otherdestructivetimber pests.

If during theperiod of12months from thedate ofthe Archicentreinspection (“the Guaranteeperiod”)termites, borersor other

destructive timber pests become apparent, Archicentre will, subject to the conditions ofthe Guarantee, carry out or at its

electionpaythe costto carry out an initial treatmentof the termites,borers orother destructive timber pests.

Conditions of Guarantee

1. “TheTermsand Conditionsof the Contractandthe Inspection”containedin theTimber Pest InspectionReport formpart

of theconditions of the Guaranteeand are to be appliedto the Guarantee as ifset outfully herein.

2. TheGuarantee only applies to termites, borers or other destructive timberpests not noted inor to be implied from the

TimberPest Inspection Report andwhich become apparent duringthe Guarantee period.

3. TheGuarantee does not apply to damage causedbytermites, borers orother destructive timberpests and liabilityunder

the Guaranteeforsuchdamageisexcluded. If you also obtain an Archicentre StructuralGuarantee inconjunction with a

Property InspectionReportthe cost of repairing the structuraldamage to the buildingcaused by thetermites,borers or

other destructive timberpests will be covered by the guarantee (upto $10,000), provided thatthe pestswere notnoted

or impliedin the Timber PestInspection Report.

4. TheGuarantee does not apply to LyctusBorer whichare common in allAustralianhardwood framingtimbers but do not

cause structuraldamage.

5. TheGuarantee will onlyapply tothe costof timberpest treatmentwork for which priorwrittenconsenthas beengiven by

Archicentre and liability underthe Guarantee for any othercost orwork is excluded.

6. Aclaim by you under the Guaranteemustbe notifiedto Archicentrewithin 30 days ofthe defectbecomingapparent.

7. TheGuarantee onlyappliesto claims notified to Archicentreduring theGuarantee periodandliability under theGuarantee

forall other claimsisexcluded.

8. Themaximumliability ofArchicentre:

(a) foranyone claimmadeunderthe Guarantee;or

(b)in theaggregate for all claimsmadeunder the Guarantee -shallnot exceed$10,000.

9. Thefirst$500 ofthe cost oftimberpest treatmentworkarising from each claim made under theGuarantee shallbeborne

by youandArchicentre shall notbeliable forthat amount.

10. The Guaranteeis available only to the person for whom the Timber Pest Inspection Report has been prepared, and

Archicentre acceptsnoliability toanyother person.

11. The Guaranteedoes not apply to the repair of items normally covered under property insurance policies and is not

intendedto replace, inpart orwhole,suchinsurance policy/ies.

12. The Guarantee doesnot apply to any items ordefects for which recoverymay beobtainedfrom, or properly referable

under, any insurancepolicy orother source ofcompensation.

13. Any paymentunder theGuarantee is made without any admission of liability by Archicentre in relation to thestandard,

quality or accuracy ofthe Timber Pest Inspection Report,and no such admission shall, eitherexpresslyor impliedly, arise

fromor by reason of any such payment.

14. TheGuarantee will not apply to termites, borersor other destructive timberpests that becomeapparentdue toa failure

by youto follow advice givenin the Timber PestInspection Report.

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The Archicentre Home Certification service makes the process

of selling your home so much easier. You want to sell your

home quickly and for the best possible price. Archicentre’s

Home Certification service can help you achieve both!

Archicentre will inspect your home and guarantee* to

potential buyers that they are buying a structurally sound,

termite-free home, providing peace of mind and a terrific

incentive to purchase the property!

The Archicentre Home Certification service provides:

– The Archicentre Certificate* with a Seal of Quality

(For your agent to market your Archicentre Certified home)

– 12 month, $15,000 Structural Guarantee

– 12 month, $15,000 Termite Guarantee

(For your purchaser’s peace of mind)

– A great sales result! (For you)

*Subject to no evident major structural defects or termite activity.

Archicentre’s Home Certification service helps

buyers buy and vendors sell… make it part of your

marketing plan for only $495.00.*

*Capital cities and metropolitan areas only.

Tasmania – a structural inspection only $395.00.

Archicentre is the building advisory service of The Royal Australian Institute of

Architects, providing a range of inspection and advisory services including prepurchase

inspections, pest inspections and design and improvement advice.

How does Archicentre’s Home Certification service help?

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To arrange an inspection speak with your

First National representative or call us on

1300 13 45 13 if you have any queries.








Note: This certificate should be read in conjunction with the Archicentre terms and conditions of inspection.

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A Home Certification inspection was carried out by Archicentre at

………………………………………………………………………(Property Address)

on ………………………………………(date)

and the property was found to have no evident major structural defects or

termite activity

We are pleased to recognize it as an

Archicentre Certified Home

and to offer the buyer our

12-month, $15,000 Structural Guarantee* &

12-month, $15,000 Termite Guarantee*.

*Conditions apply. A copy of the Archicentre Conditions of the Guarantees, and Terms and Conditions of inspection can be

obtained by contacting Archicentre on 1300 13 45 13